

What does Gold Foil taste like ?
June 16 , 2022

You might hear that somebody puts gold foil in food,but did you know the real taste of it ? Anyway,i am a seeker of that, i'm curious, this time, i will help you find out what does Gold Foil taste like.

Probably,you can see that there are some people trying to analyse whether the coin is real gold,so they will bite it, and the truth is the copper content can be tasted, you will feel a metallic taste.But gold does not dissolve in our saliva, so maybe we cannot know exactly the taste of the gold.

So now accoring to the researches and the experiences of the others,we can say that the Gold Foil has no taste, and at the meanwhile, because the thickness is not enough to give us such a feeling, so actually we cannot bite the gold foil, and there is no taste anymore.

After all that, let's just consider it as a decoration,it's the best way to treat the Gold Foil,and the effect is perfect.

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