

How to distinguish the authenticity of water-based paint | Kinnogold.com
September 23 , 2021

The so-called benzene-free paint cannot be made, so the paint used for decoration contains benzene, a harmful substance. Benzene is a hydrocarbon, the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon. It is a sweet, flammable, colorless and transparent liquid with carcinogenic toxicity at room temperature and a strong aromatic odor. It is precisely because benzene has carcinogenic effects on the human body, so now people rarely choose paint as a raw material when decorating or buying furniture, but use water-based paint.

Water-based paint is a paint that uses water as a diluent. It has the characteristics of energy saving and environmental protection, non-combustible and non-explosive, ultra-low emission, low-carbon health, etc. The paint film is full, flexible, water-resistant, abrasion-resistant, aging-resistant, yellowing resistant, and easy to use. It can be widely used in materials such as wood, metal, industrial coatings, plastics, glass, and building surfaces. There are three types of water-based coatings: water-soluble type (water-soluble resin is used as the film-forming material); water-dilutable type (water-dilutable type refers to the coating with emulsified emulsion as the film-forming material); water-dispersed type (water-dispersed type is mainly Refers to a coating prepared with synthetic resin emulsion as a film-forming material.)

Is water-based paint really non-toxic?

It uses water as the solvent and does not add organic solvents and formaldehyde and other pollutants, so it can save a lot of resources, eliminate the risk of fire during the construction process, reduce air pollution, and is non-toxic. Water-based paint has the obvious characteristics of high environmental protection, low odor, no dangerous operation, no strong irritating odor, safety and environmental protection. The coating film has good heat resistance, abrasion resistance and chemical resistance. Almost the same film-forming performance as solvent-based polyurethane varnish, and can maintain long-term tough film-forming effect. In addition, it also has strong heat resistance and non-slip properties. It can be applied to the desktop to give play to its strong scratch-resistant coating film characteristics. It is also suitable for coating stairs and corridors.

How to distinguish whether to use water-based paint?

First distinguish it from the smell. The biggest difference between water-based paint and oil-based paint is that there is no pungent smell. It is a paint that uses water as a thinner and does not contain other toxic metals. Secondly, it is distinguished from the dilution process. If you need a special thinner or alcohol to dilute during the dilution process, it must be oil paint. Finally, it can be distinguished from the environmental protection index, product manual and test report. If it contains toxic substances such as benzene, heavy metals and high content of VOC, it is definitely not a water-based paint.

KINNO water-based paint does not contain organic solvents, benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, free TDI and other toxic heavy metals. It is harmless to humans and does not pollute the environment. And it has the characteristics of water resistance, abrasion resistance, aging resistance, yellowing resistance, fast drying, and convenient use.Applying to the surface of the object can make the object show a new posture, and play a certain protective and decorative effect on the object. It is widely used: wood, metal, plastic, glass, building surface and other materials on objects. You can mix it with transparent varnish (pearl powder : varnish = 1:6), then use the mixed liquor to paint crafts, ceramics, cars or anything you need to coloring.

water-based paint

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