

Where does gold leaf come from and its application | kinnogold.com
August 12 , 2022

Gold foil is a thin sheet made by beating gold several times, which first appeared in the Nile Valley of Egypt, when most of the artifacts or furniture excavated from the pyramids were covered with gold foil, highlighting the divine power and majesty of the Egyptian pharaohs.

The gold foil forging process generally uses a summarized 12-step process, which is originally labor-intensive, let's say we may need to repeatedly beat a piece of gold up to 25,000 times before the gold is fully extended, so gold foil can be said to be a treasure of people's minds

In Nanjing, China, the historical capital that created the miracle of gold leaf, the influence of gold leaf is gradually expanding. Nanjing accounts for 60% of the world's total production of gold leaf, and in addition to supplying the domestic market, Nanjing also exports to dozens of countries and regions around the world, mainly in the field of religion and architecture.

With the development of life, the application fields of gold foil are also gradually expanding, such as the food field and the beauty field, which are becoming more and more well-known recently, gold foil is showing people its possibilities, and perhaps in the future it will reveal a whole new application.

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